- United States
- 1989
- 102 mins
- English
- Comedy, Mystery, Thriller
“One of the greatest comedies ever made. A sharp satire of American life in the ’80s, when people were becoming disillusioned all over again after the ’70s.” – C.H. Newell, Father Son Holy Gore
“Director Joe Dante funnels his decidedly cracked view of suburban life through dark humour in The ‘Burbs.” – Variety
With nothing to do and time on their hands, Ray Peterson (Tom Hanks) and his friends decided to investigate their mysterious new neighbors, the Klopeks. Suspiciously unfriendly, the Klopeks had never been seen in the light of day, and at night, the weirdest sounds and smells seemed to emanate from their basement. They certainly were strange, but Ray was ready to give them the benefit of the doubt – that is, until his old friend Walter disappears, and Walter’s dog is seen burying a human bone in the Klopeks backyard! Spooked into action, Ray and his wacky neighbors go ‘ghoul-busting’, and what they uncover is a potential blockbuster! For who would have imagined that they had suddenly trespassed into terror.