Slumber Party Massacre

Thursday November 25th 8:00 pm

South Africa • 2021 • 86 Min • Horror • English

Content Warning
Graphic Violence, Nudity & Language

Danishka Esterhazy

Suzanne Keilly

Adam Friedlander, Samantha Levine, & Tebogo Maila

Hannah Gonera, Frances Sholto-Douglas, Mila Rayne, Alex Mcgregor, Reze, Tiana Wessels

Preceded by the short film
Mario Alexander Schuster, 3 Min, Germany
A jogger tries to pick up a fellow runner, not realizing there’s imminent danger afoot.

Due to a scheduling conflict the Zoom Q&A with Director Danishka Esterhzay has been cancelled. The screening will take place and we can’t wait to show you this total blast of a slasher.

The only slasher franchise helmed by women gets a gory, satirical update from Winnipeg Director Danishka Esterhazy. Esterhazy knows why people love horror films and doesn’t skimp on the blood lust. Still, she also adds to the layers of feminism sprouted from the originals. The result is a genuinely entertaining experience and one that is best enjoyed in the theatre alongside all your genre-loving brethren.

“Slumber Party Massacre is a remake that gets just about everything right, powered by a cast of final girls who have a few things to say about horror’s canonical treatment of women decades prior.”

“Slumber Party Massacre is a welcome addition to this new wave of modern slashers.”

 “It’s a fun, genre-literate film. It may have a message but it doesn’t take it, or the film itself, too seriously.”