Saturday, November 26th 9:30 pm
USA, 2022, 111 min
Content Warning
Aaron B. Koontz, Alexandra Barreto, Anthony Cousins, Jed Shepherd,
Rachele Wiggins
Aaron B. Koontz, Cameron Burns, Alexandra Barreto, John Karsko, Jed Shepherd
Aaron B. Koontz, Cameron Burns, Cameron Burns, Ashleigh Snead, Shawn Talley
Jeremy King, Zoe Graham, Rich Sommer
Preceded by the short film
Michael Jones & Paddy Jessop, 4 mins, Australia
At night when you sleep, it comes to eat.
Special guest, Aaron B. Koontz in attendance for Introduction and Q&A.
SFFF fans will remember the screening of SCARE PACKAGE in 2019, and we’re thrilled to bring SCARE PACKAGE II: RAD CHAD’S REVENGE to this year’s festival. Opening with flashbacks to SCARE PACKAGE, we move from Rad Chad’s video store to the horror fan’s funeral. He’s devised a game from beyond the grave and mourners must utilize horror film rules to survive.
The first short, by Alexandra Barreto, is Welcome to the 90s. Set on a university campus on New Year’s Eve 1989, we’re introduced to two sororities: The Final Girls and The Sure to Die house. Next, director Anthony Cousins returns with The Night He Came Back Again Part V: The Night She Came Back which is prefaced by Rad Chad’s comment “sequels are the life-blood of the horror genre.” The third story, Special Edition, is Jed Shepherd’s remarkable sci-fi influenced haunted house story. The final segment, directed by Rachele Wiggins, is We’re So Dead, a clever blend of STAND BY ME, THE FLY, and RE-ANIMATOR.
Expertly tying the shorts together is Aaron B. Koontz’ tale of Rad Chad’s revenge which is skillfully riddled with film references. Catch them all. If you miss one in this movie, it’ll cost you your life.
“Inspiring and uplifting in equal amounts, Harvey and Kummer’s fangs-and-all documentary is, like its subject, one of a kind.” – Marc Savlov, Austin Chronicle
“By the triumphant curtain call, as young Scott trots onstage for a very professional bow in full Xenomorph garb, it’s clear “Alien on Stage” has completely captured the hearts of the audience – film, theater, and Christopher Guest lovers alike.” – Jude Dry, Indiewire