Director Steven Kostanski
Writer Steven Kostanski
Cast Matthew Ninaber, Nita-Josee Hanna, Owen Myre, Kristen MacCulloch, Adam Brooks, & Alexis Kara Hancey
Monday, November 23, 2020 7:00 pm
(Doors open 1/2-hour prior)
- Canada
- 2020
- 99mins
- English
- Comedy, Sci-Fi
“Psycho Goreman is the complete package. Ripe with huge laughs, it bolsters massive creativity that would make the studio system blush and comes with enough gore to flood an abattoir. This is the kind of genre cinema that we dream of.” – Andrew Mack, Screen Anarchy
“‘PG: Psycho Goreman’ Is a Heartwarming and Heart Ripping Family Classic” – Jacob Davis, iHorror