Friday, November 25th Midnight
USA, 2022, 72 min
Content Warning
Violence, drug use, brief sex and nudity
Alex Phillips
Alex Phillips
Georgia Bernstein, Ben Gojer
Phillip Andre Botello, Sammy Arechar, Betsy Brown
Preceded by the short film
Bug Bites
Daniel DelPurgatorio, 8 min, USA
Some house guests are a real pain in the ass.
Vulgar. Shocking. Deranged. Disgusting. If your interest is peaked, this might be the film for you. Director Alex Phillips pulls off a major feat of underground cinema by combining a list of major ‘turn-offs’ into a roller coaster ride of equal parts depravity and hilarity that also challenges your ability for empathy at every turn. A midnight movie in every sense but for true connoisseurs of bizarro cinema ONLY.
Roscoe, a janitor for a scuzzy love motel, whose girlfriend has brought another man home for strange rituals, drifts through life until he discovers a hidden stash of powerful hallucinogenic worms.
Guided by visions of a giant floating worm, he meets Benny, a moped enthusiast trying to manifest a baby from an inanimate sex doll.
They fall in love with doing worms together on a downward spiral into the primordial ooze.
Ticket buyers beware!
“Inspiring and uplifting in equal amounts, Harvey and Kummer’s fangs-and-all documentary is, like its subject, one of a kind.” – Marc Savlov, Austin Chronicle
“By the triumphant curtain call, as young Scott trots onstage for a very professional bow in full Xenomorph garb, it’s clear “Alien on Stage” has completely captured the hearts of the audience – film, theater, and Christopher Guest lovers alike.” – Jude Dry, Indiewire